
If traditional chorus membership isn’t the best option for you, Sweet Adelines offers two alternatives – Chapter-at-Large (CAL) and Member-at-Large (MAL).

Chapter-at-Large membership is intended to provide Sweet Adelines International membership with affiliation to a region/area for nonmembers or members in good standing who are not able to or choose not to participate in a local chorus.  A Chapter-at-Large member holds all privileges of traditional chorus membership except performing or competing with a chorus in the competition of the region/area in which she is affiliated; and forming or performing as a Chapter-at-Large chorus or unregistered quartet representing itself as a quartet of Sweet Adelines International.

A Chapter-at-Large member may affiliate with a chorus in another region and is eligible to compete with that chorus in regional or international competition.

Chapter-at-Large members are responsible for payment of regional dues for the region in which they are a member.

Member-at-Large membership is intended to provide Sweet Adelines International membership without affiliation to a region/area for nonmembers or members in good standing.  Members-at-large are not eligible to participate in regional or international competitions.

The international dues are the same for both membership categories.

For more information about these membership options, contact or call 800-992-SING (7464) and ask to speak with a membership representative.